21 Day Fix Video


Yoga Mat or miniMat

Stretching and Recovery

This is a great Yoga workout. The only Yoga routines I have ever done are from Tony Horton; Yoga X from P90X, Yoga from 10 Minute Trainer, and Fountain of Youth and Patience Hummingbird Yoga from the P90X One on Ones. I would say this Yoga routine succeds, where the P90X One on One routines fail, in that it is a complete Yoga X style routine in a half hour. Almost every move in this workout is in Yoga X and it is 1/3 of the time. So that means you are not holding each pose for very long, but you do get a wide variety of poses to loosen up your entire body. The format of this routine is very similar to Yoga X in that it starts with some breathing and Sun Salutations to get you warmed up. Then there is a Vinyasa Flow Yoga series, where you are constantly moving. The flow section is the most vigorious, though it is still recuperative in nature and much more manageable for beginners, than the one in Yoga X. Following that there is a Balance Series, where you work on some poses to improve your balance. The final section is devoted to lighter stretching and relaxing breathing. Yoga is very much about balance, hot and cold etc… This section really balances out the more vigorious poses we did earlier, and leaves you feeling very calm and relaxed. Overall I think this is a great routine and may become my go to Yoga, when I do not have a lot of time.

The Exercises
Exercise #1 – Breathe
You just stand and breathe with your eyes closed. Your feet should be a few inches apart and your palms are facing forward.

Exercise #2 – Sun Salutations
Now you do 3 Sun Salutations. Start with your feet together. Inhale your palms up above your head and then exhale, swan diving your palms to the mat. Then inhale lifting up to a flat back position, then exhale palms back to the floor. From there step or jump back into plank position. Bend your elbows and go down to a low plank and then immediately lift your chest up and arch your back into Upward Dog position. From there exhale and press back into a Downward Dog position driving your butt up into the sky, without moving your hands or feet. After holding Downward Dog for a few seconds, you step or feet back up to your hands. Then inhale lifting to flat back and exhale your palms back to the ground. Then inhale all the way up bringing your hands above your head. That is one Sun Salutation, now you do 2 more.

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Series 1:
Exercise #3 – Chair Pose
With your feet together, drop your butt down bending the knees. Keep your chest up and lift your arms up next to your ears, so that there is a straight line from your finger tips to your butt. You hold Chair Pose for 20 seconds and then do a Sun Salutation. However, from Downward Dog you lift one leg straight into the air to set up Crescent Pose. This sequence where you go to plank, then Upward Dog, then Downward Dog is known as a Vinyasa. These Vinyasas are used to transition from pose to pose. Technically, a Vinyasa is any specific sequence of breath-synchronized movements used to transition between sustained postures. So, this is just the specific Vinyasa used in this workout and is actually the same Vinyasa used in Yoga X, from P90X.

Exercise #4 – Crescent Pose
Bring the leg that is in the air up to your hands, and leave the other foot where it is. Now bring your arms into the air, so that you are in a lunge, with your front leg bent at 90 degrees and your back leg straight. The front knee should be in front of the ankle, but behind the toe. Hold this position reaching your arms into the sky for 20 seconds. Now go down and do a Vinyasa, lifting the other leg off the ground and coming up with the that leg forward. Now hold Crescent Pose for another 20 seconds on this side.

Exercise #5 – Vinyasa
Now we go back into the Vinyasa and just hold the Downward Dog for 20 seconds.

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Exercise #6 – Chair Pose
After that we step the hands back up and go right back into Chair Pose and hold it for 10 seconds. We then go back down through the Vinyasa, lifting the leg up into the air again.

Exercise #7 – Warrior 1
This time we come up into Warrior 1. This is the same as Crescent Pose, except the back heel is turned to the side, so that the front heel is in line with the arch of the back foot. You will need to turn the hips, to keep them square in front of you. You will hold Warrior 1 on this side for 20 seconds.

Exercise #8 – Warrior 2
Now we go into Warrior 2. Inhale the arms together, and then exhale rotating your body so that your chest is in line with your back foot, and drop the arms down, so that they form a straight line and are in line with your hips. Your neck should be turned so that you are looking straight ahead over your front arm. You will hold Warrior 2 for about 10 seconds.

Exercise #9 – Angle Pose
From Warrior 2 lean forward bringing your front forearm onto your front thigh, and reaching the back arm straight in front of you. If you can drop the front hand to the ground go for it, otherwise stay on the thigh. You hold this for about 20 seconds before lifting back into Warrior 2. You then come back into Warrior 1. You then go down and do a Vinyasa and repeat Warrior 1, Warrior 2 and Angle Pose on the other side.

Exercise #10 – Vinyasa
Now we go back into the Vinyasa and just hold the Downward Dog for 20 seconds.

Exercise #11 – Chair Pose
After that we step the hands back up and go right back into Chair Pose and hold it for about 15 seconds. You then bend over and put your palms on the ground, inhale up to flat back, exhale back to the ground, swan dive your hands up above your head and then exhale your arms down to your side, so that your are just standing with your feet together, and your arms at your side.

Balance Series:
Exercise #12 – Balance Pose
Right from where you left off, lift your right leg up and press your palms together in front of your heart. You can either rest the right foot on the left ankle, the left knee or out in front of you, so that the knee is in line with the hip. You balance for 30 seconds on the left leg and then switch and do 30 seconds on the other.

Exercise #13 – Tree Pose
Lift your right foot up with your right and and place it as high up on the left thigh as you can. Balance in this position with your right knee facing out to the right side. Your palms are together again in front of your heart. Hold for 30 seconds on the left leg, and then switch for 30 seconds on the other side.

Exercise #14 – Forward Bend
Open your feet up wider than your mat and bring your hands to your hips. Inhale and arch back, then exhale and bend over with a flat back, bringing your palms to the floor. You hold like this for a few seconds, then inhale up to flat back. Then you exhale back down grabbing your big toes with your fingers. After you hold like this for a few seconds, you transition to a position with your palms under your feet. After that you bring your palms back to the mat and come back up. In total this lasts for almost 90 seconds.

Exercise #15 – Triangle Pose
Rotate the right foot so that it is facing out. Now raise your arms up so they are at shoulder height, forming a T with your chest. Now lean over to the right, keeping your legs straight and bring your right hand next to your right foot, with the left arm extending straight up into the air. Your chest should be facing forward, and you should be looking up at the left hand in the sky. Hold on this side for 30 seconds, then switch to the other side for 30 seconds.

Series 3:
Exercise #16 – Modified Cobra
To get into position we do the Sun Salutation Vinyasa we have been using. From Downward dog drop down into the bottom a push-up, with your elbows close to your side. Keeping your hands under your shoulders, lift your chest up, so that the hands are off the ground. Everything from your hips down stays where it is. Make sure to squeeze your abs and glutes to hold the position. You will hold this for a few seconds, then drop down to the floor again for a few seconds, then do a second one.

Exercise #17 – Superman
Now from the same position, extend your arms out in front of you with the thumbs facing the sky. Then lift your chest and arms off the floor, like in the Modified Cobra, but also lift your legs off the floor as well. This will burn in your lower back. Again we do 2 reps, with a few second break in between.

Exercise #18 – Bow
From the same starting position, bend your knees and bring your feet in towards your body. Reach back and grab your feet with your hands. Now lift your chest as high off the ground as you can. Keep your knees together and really pull on the ankles to lift you up. We hold this pose for 20 seconds.

Exercise #19 – Child’s Pose
Now separate your knees and sit on them. Then push your butt back on top of your heels, while reaching forward, placing your arms on the floor in front of you. Try to get as deep into this as you can, while keeping your butt on your heels. We hold this for 20 seconds.


Exercise #20 – Shoulder Stretch
Stay in Child’s Pose and put the right arm under the left, extending it straight out to the left. Turn your head to the left and reach your finger tips as far out as you can to really feel the stretch in your shoulder. We then go back to Child’s Pose and switch arms. We hold the stretch for 15 seconds per side.

Exercise #21 – Cat Cow
Get on your hands and knees, so that your hands are under your shoulders and your knees are under your hips. Inhale and round the back up, looking down at the floor. Then exhale and arch the back, looking up into the sky. We do 3 reps of each. If you don’t recognize this from other Yoga workouts, you should at least remember it from the warm-up in Pilates Fix.

Exercise #22 – Bird Dog
From your hands and knees, extend your right hand out and your left foot back. Lift them both off the floor, extended straight in line with your shoulder and hip. You switch your arms and feet after 20 seconds, doing 2 holds on each side.

Exercise #23 – Child’s Pose
Get back into Child’s Pose and hold for 45 seconds.

Exercise #24 – Runner’s Stretch – R
This stretch targets your hamstring. Sit on your mat and bring the left foot into the right thig. Then extend the right leg straight out at 45 degrees. Inhale your arms up and then exhale them down, trying to grab your right toes, while keeping your leg on the floor. You hold this stretch for 30 seconds.

Exercise #25 – Glute Stretch – R
Take the left foot and place it down on the ground in front of you, so that the leg is bent. Then take the right ankle and place it on top of the left knee. Put your hands on the floor next to your butt and stretch out the glute. Make sure you sit up tall throughout the stretch. This also lasts 30 seconds.

Exercise #26 – Twist – R
Now extend left leg back out and drop the right foot down on the left side of the left thigh. Rotate your body to the right, placing your left elbow on your right knee as you look behind you, stretching out the spine. Again you hold the stretch for about 30 seconds.

Exercise #27 – Runner’s Stretch – L
Now do the Runner’s Stretch targeting the left hamstring.

Exercise #28 – Glute Stretch – L
Same glute stretch you did before, but on the other side.

Exercise #29 – Twist – L
Now twist around to the left.

21 Day Fix Exercise Videos

Exercise #30 – Butterfly
Now bring the souls of your feet together and hold them with your hands. Bend forward as you exhale, keeping your back flat as long as you can, then collapse down. This stretch is called Cobbler’s Pose in Yoga X. You hold the Butterfly for 30 seconds.

Exercise #31 – Straddle Stretch
Open your legs up wide. Inhale your arms up and exhale down with a flat back. Once you can no longer keep the flat back, just collapse down. You hold in the center for 15 seconds and then walk your hands over to the right side. After 15 seconds there, you walk your hands over to the left leg and hold for another 15 seconds.

Exercise #32 – Supine Twist
Bring your legs in and lay down on your mat in a ball, so that your knees are in towards your chest and you are holding them with your hands. From there drop your knees to the right and look to the left. Extend your arms out to the side, pressing the shoulder blades into the ground. You do 30 seconds on each side.

Exercise #33 – Corpse Pose
My favorite! Just lie on your back with your eyes closed. Completely relax every part of your body. This pose is held for about a minute. At the end you roll to your side and sit up into a cross-legged position, and do a namaste bow.


Dumbbells (1 heavy pair and 1 light pair) or Resistance Bands
Yoga Mat or miniMat

Total Body Resistance

With the title Dirty 30 my mom was not sure what to expect, coming into this workout. Turns out this is a total body resistance routine. My mom finds this one harder than Upper Fix and Lower Fix, because it hits everything together. It is similar to Total Body Cardio Fix, but with more of a focus on resistance work. The format of the workout is 4 rounds of 2, minute long exercises. You repeat each round before moving onto the next. There is a 20 second break after every exercise. There are no bonus exercises at the end of the workout. The toughest exercises for my mom are the Chest Fly Raise and the Side Plank Raise, both of which require a great deal of core strength. I really like all the resistance training that is done in this program and my mom has made gains in strength because of it. When she started she could not even complete some

The Exercises
The warm-up is 3 minutes long to get you loosened up and your heart pumping. The warm-up is the same as in all the other resistance and cardio workouts. It starts with some jogging in place. You then transition into jumping jack. After that are windmills, which are just alternating arm circles. You go forward and then reverse the circles. After that you do some reaches to one side and then the other to stretch out the side. You then alternate reaching down to your toes, to stretch out the hamstrings. These stretches are not static, but are active, so you move the entire time. You then repeat all the warm-up exercises again.

Round 1:
Exercise #1 – Alternating Side Lunge
Grab your heavy weights. Start with your feet together and your dumbells at your side. Step your right foot to the right and bend the knee into a side lunge. Your feet should face straight ahead the whole time. Then step your feet back together and immediately step the left foot to the left into a side lunge on that side. The dumbells should be on either side of the bent knee. Remember every exercise is a minute long.

20 Second Rest

Exercise #2 – Renegade Row
Put one dumbbell aside and get into a plank position, with your feet hip width apart, with the dumbbell in your right hand. Now do one arm rows, bringing your right elbow back and the weight into your side. You should feel this in your lat. You do 30 seconds on the right and then 30 seconds on the left

20 Second Rest

21 Day Fix Video Lengths

Round 1 – Repeat
Repeat the first round, including the rests.

Round 2:
Exercise #3 – Sumo Row
Grab both weights again and hold them in front of your thighs. Your legs should be spread into a Sumo position, meaning the heels are shoulder width, but the feet are turned out to the side. For each move squat down, while doing an upright row. For the upright row, pull the weights up towards the chin, while pushing your elbows out and up. This exact same exercise is done in T25 Beta Rip’T Circuit.

20 Second Rest

Exercise #4 – Chest Fly Raise
Another Shaun T favorite. Start on your back, with the dumbbells pressed above your chest, and your legs straight together in the air. Lower the legs down, while opening the arms up. Don’t let your feet or the weights hit the floor. Then lift the legs back up, while using your chest to close the weights together up top again. There are all sorts of variations on this move done in Insanity Asylum.

20 Second Rest

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Round 2 – Repeat
Repeat the second round including the rests.

Round 3:
Exercise #5 – Squat Lateral Raise
Stand with your feet parallel and your dumbbells by your side. Squat down, pushing your butt down and back and keeping the weight in the heels. As you come up to the top, do a lateral raise, by lifting the weight straight out at your side, forming a T with your chest and arms.

20 Second Rest

Exercise #6 – Tricep Kickback
Start with the weights by your side and your feet hip width apart. Lean forward, bending your knees with a straight back and row the weight up into your armpits to get into the starting position, for the kickbacks. For each rep push both weights behind you, using your triceps, so that your arms end up straight. Your elbows should not be moving, but rather acting as a hinge.

20 Second Rest

Round 3 – Repeat
Repeat the third round including the rests. This time your left food is forward and your right foot is back for the Split Squats.

Round 4:
Exercise #7 – Side Bend
Grab one weight and stand with your feet facing forward, a little wider than hip width. The weight starts right next to your thigh, while the other hand is holding your hip. For each rep lean to the side with the weight and slide the weight down your leg. Then slide it back up as you straighten yourself back out. Your hips should stay in one place, your are bending from your side. You do 30 seconds on one side and then 30 seconds on the other.

20 Second Rest

Exercise #8 – Side Plank Raise
Set the weights aside and get down into a side plank. You should be turned on your side, resting on your forearm, with your elbow directly beneath your shoulder. Your legs should be out straight with your feet stacked on top of each other. Your hip should be lifted so that there is a straight line from head to toe. Raise your other arm straight into the sky. For each rep lift the top leg up and down, without dropping your hips. You do 30 seconds on one side and then flip and do 30 on the other.

20 Second Rest

Round 4 – Repeat
Repeat the second round including the rests.

Cool Down
At the end of the workout there is a 2:30 minute cool down. This cool down uses static stretches to loosen up the body. The stretches include Child’s Pose, Sit and Reach, a shoulder stretch, side stretching and a quad stretch.